
YouTube Handle, Easy Search and Connected Community


IPHEDIA.com - To make it easier for community members to find and connect with each other, YouTube introduced the YouTube handle or channel name.

YouTube handles are unique to your channel and will be used by others to mention you in comments, community posts and more.

This YouTube handle, which goes into effect on November 14, 2022, automatically assigns a handle to your channel.

However, if you want, you can change that handle later in YouTube Studio.

Gradually, YouTube in its description, will allow all who have a channel to choose a handle.

You will receive an email and notification in YouTube Studio when you are able to select the handle you want.
Generally, if your channel already has a personalized URL, YouTube will reserve it to handle your channel.

If you want a different channel designation than what YouTube provides, you can change it.

If you don't already have a personalized URL, you can also select a handle for the channel.

Advantages of Having a Channel Name

The advantage of having a channel name (handle), among which your channel will get attention in Shorts.

Then, identify yourself in a unique way and make it easier for others to find you on YouTube.

Another advantage is that people can tag you in your videos and you can interact with other people in the YouTube community.

Once rolled out to all users, your channel's nickname will start appearing in several places on YouTube, including the shorts tab, search results, comments and mentions.

In some places, YouTube will start showing your channel name with your channel name, such as on your channel page.

In the future, you may see your channel's nickname shown in more places on YouTube. (*)

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