
Darvaza Gas Crater, a Rare and Mystery Tourist Site in Turkmenistan

The crater containing a fire that has a diameter of about 70 meters has been burning for 47 years with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius without ever being extinguished.

IPHEDIA.com - Darvaza Gas Crater or Door to Hell is a rare tourist site full of mystery on this earth in the form of a volcanic gas crater in the middle Karakum Desert, Darvaza Village, Turkmenistan. This place deserves to be included in the bucket list of anti-mainstream travel seekers.

Heading to Darvaza Gas Crater, from the City of Ashgabat the location is about 266 kilometers. The crater containing a fire that has a diameter of about 70 meters has been burning for 47 years with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius without ever being extinguished. Darvaza Gas Crater emits red flames, similar to a campfire.

During the day, this crater looks like a place where the meteor fell, because it is a deep hole and a black burn marks around it. Meanwhile, at night, the Darvaza Gas Crater is able to illuminate the desert area with the fires of fire coming from the crater as deep as 20 meters.

The existence of the anti-mainstream tourism Darvaza Gas Crater is still unclear. Various issues have arisen related to their formation. One of the famous is due to mistakes of researchers from the Soviet Union (currently Russia) when drilling natural gas.

It is known, Turkmenistan is known to have abundant natural gas reserves. This made a Soviet researcher intend to make observations. He did mining in 1971.

Unfortunately, at that time he made a calculation wrong. As a result, when mining, the area where the heavy equipment he was carrying collapsed and formed a large hole.

The large hole then emits poisonous natural gas. Natural gas that is a mixture of hydrocarbon and methane gas does not emit odors, but can make people who breathe it lack oxygen when exposed for a long time.

Finally, the researcher carried out the combustion. Miscalculation again, the burning fire which was thought to only last for a week turned out to last until now.

Every year no less than 12-15 thousand tourists visit these extreme tourist attractions in Turkmenistan. When visiting this anti-mainstream tour, remember to always be careful and alert. Because, Darzava Gas Crater does not have a protective fence, so you can fall into it.

Not only that, the land in the form of desert is also reportedly prone to landslides. I was so dangerous this place, since 2004 the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly, asked the residents of Darzava to move to another place for security reasons.

However, Darzava Gas Crater is very suitable to be added to your bucket list that is happy with anti-mainstream tourism. Because, here you can see the amazing scenery that comes from natural fire in the middle Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan. (as/ip)
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