
First Longest Ampera Bridge in Southeast Asia


IPHEDIA.com - Ampera Bridge (Mandate of People's Suffering) called Bung Karno Bridge, is a bridge in Palembang City, South Sumatra Province, which is located in middle city, connecting "Seberang Ulu" and "Seberang Ilir" which is broadcast by Musi River.

Inauguration use bridge was carried out in 1965, while establishing name Bung Karno as name bridge. At that time, this bridge was first longest bridge in Southeast Asia. After a political upheaval in 1966, name bridge was changed to Ampera Bridge.

Ampera Bridge which divides Musi River has a length of 1,117 meters (71.90 m middle section), Width: 22 m, Height: 11.5 meters from surface water, Tower Height: 63 meters from ground level, distance between towers: 75 meters, Weight: 944 tons.

Idea to unite two lands in Palembang City "Seberang Ulu" and "Seberang Ilir" with bridge, actually has existed since time of Palembang's Gemeente, 1906.

When election Mayor Palembang was held by Le Cocq de Ville, in 1924, this idea was reappeared and many attempts were made to realize it. However, until the future of Le Cocq ended, even Dutch compilation to leave Indonesia, project was never realized.

At time independence, success was sticking again. Palembang City Transitional Legislative Council returned construction bridge at that time, called Musi Bridge with name Musi River that it passed, at plenary session which took place on 29 October 1956.

Efforts made by Provincial Government of South Sumatra and Palembang City, which were fully supported by Kodam IV / Sriwijaya, then paid off. Bung Karno then completed the construction.

Construction of this bridge began in April 1962, after obtaining approval from President Soekarno. Construction costs were taken from Japanese war reparations funds. Not only cost, this bridge also uses experts from country. (as/wan)
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