
Password Lock, The Easiest and Safest Way to Login to Apps and Websites


IPHEDIA.com - The easiest and safest way to log into apps and websites and a big step towards a passwordless future is by using a passkey.

Together with the FIDO Alliance, Apple, and Microsoft — Google has begun working to support passkeys on the platform as an easier and more secure alternative to passwords.

In advance of World Password Day 2023, Google is starting to roll out support for password locks across Google Accounts on all major platforms.

That support, Google Blog launches, will be an additional option that people can use to log in, along with passwords, 2-Step Verification (2SV) and others.

What are Passkeys?

Pass lock is a new way to sign in to apps and websites. Both are easier to use and more secure than passwords.

So users no longer need to rely on pet names, birthdays or the infamous “password123”.

In contrast, a passlock allows users to sign in to apps and sites in the same way they unlock their device: with a fingerprint, face scan, or screen lock PIN.

Unlike passwords, passkeys are resistant to online attacks, such as phishing, making them more secure than things like SMS one-time codes.

Google has shared updates about bringing the passlock experience to Chrome and Android as well as services like Docusign, Kayak, PayPal, Shopify and Yahoo!.

This feature will be available as an option for Google Account users who want to try a passwordless sign-in experience.

Password Lock for Google Account

Currently, a passkey for Google Accounts is available. You can try it at g.co/passkeys and setting it up is easy.

For Google Workspace accounts, administrators will soon have the option to enable a passkey for their end users during sign-in.

Of course, like any new start, changing the passkey will take some time. That's why passwords and 2-Step Verification will still work for Google Accounts.

Google hopes that this service can help people and others in the industry take the next leap to make signing in with Google easier and more secure. (*)

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