Successful Online Business by Measuring and Growing It with Google Services

By utilizing existing technology, now you can also be successful in doing business online. Through various Google services, you can develop your online business. - Many people aspire to be a successful businessman. However, many of them also fail to achieve their goals; the business did not develop, threatened to go bankrupt, even went bankrupt.

Therefore, before starting a business, it is important for us to be able to measure our business capabilities so that we can easily make developments in building a business, including an online business. 

By utilizing existing technology, now you can also be successful in doing business online. Through various Google services, you can develop your online business. 

Before going to the next stage, it's a good idea to know what, where, how much and how potential customers find your business.

Some of the criteria to consider when measuring your business are how many visitors, who and where they are, how they found your business, the time they spend, what they see and the activities they do. 

Here are some Google services that can help you scale and build your online business.

First, with the Google Insight Section service . The Google Insight Section is a service from Google that you can use to understand your customers and see how customers interact with your business through Google. 

In addition, this service can also help you understand how people find your business, as well as find out how customers interact with your content, and find out how many people are finding your business in a certain period of time.

Then, using Google Trends . You can also use this service to find out what things are popular for you to raise. Find out which products people are searching for the most and help determine keywords related to your business.

Next up, with Google Alert . This service will send an email to inform you there are new results from Google services (web, news, etc.) that are relevant to your keywords. 

The Consumer Barometer application also functions for you to identify your business market, understand the behavior and tastes of your consumers, and monitor internet user trends according to your market segment.

Next, with Google Partners , which is Google's program for advertising agencies, digital marketing professionals, and other online consultants. By connecting with Google Partners, several individual benefits can be obtained and will certainly help to build your online business. (*)

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