
Understanding, How it Works and Benefits of Using a VPN


IPHEDIA.com - VPN (Virtual Private Network), one of the most common solutions for protecting privacy and security on the internet.

These VPN services are generally easy to set up and use on any internet-connected computer and mobile device.

Understanding and Advantages of VPN

VPN or Virtual Private Network is a secure way to access a local area network that is within a certain range, by using the internet or other public networks to transmit data packets privately.

With a VPN, you can change your virtual location and open up the internet, which is usually only accessible in certain areas, generally abroad.

The advantages of this VPN, in addition to privacy and security, also allow you to access more content on the internet.

This means that a VPN hides your personal information, encrypts internet traffic, and allows you to access content that is only accessible in certain regions.

How VPNs Work

The way a VPN works is by creating an "encrypted tunnel" that connects between your device and a remote VPN server.

Once connected, network traffic from your device is routed through this tunnel, and is therefore obfuscated from any observers or network operators.

The remote VPN server will route the traffic to its final destination on the Internet, whether it's the application or the site you're connecting to, which will see it coming from this secure server.

So, ISPs (Internet Service Providers) or companies that provide internet services to users by subscribing, will not know what site/website you open.

The ISP only knows that you are connected to a VPN, and encrypted traffic is forwarded from your device to a server.

Advantages of Using a VPN

From the understanding, advantages and how it works, the advantages of using a VPN that you get, namely a VPN will maintain privacy, increase security and provide internet freedom.

For those of you who prioritize privacy, security and freedom when opening the internet, a VPN is the right tool for you to use.

However, while there are some free VPN services they are not highly recommended, as they often keep logs of your online activity or contain malware.

To suit the use of a VPN to maintain privacy, improve internet security and freedom, it is recommended that you use a paid alias VPN subscription service, such as NordVPN, ExpressVPN, Surfshark and others.

In addition, a VPN from Google One, for example, is also available to all Google One members who subscribe to the 2 TB Premium package in 20+ countries.

If you're a Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro user, you'll also have access to a VPN from Google One on those devices at no extra cost.

Those Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro users can activate VPN from Google One through the Google One app even without a Google One membership. Thus the info. (*)

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