
Grand Canal, City's Popular Water Tourism in Venice

Although the stretch of canals is lined with pedestrian paths, many important landmarks can only be seen from the water, so a boat and boat tour or vaporetti (public ferry) is the best way to enjoy the charm of the Grand Canal.

IPHEDIA.com - Visiting Italy is incomplete if it hasn't been to the Grand Canal (Big Canal), Venice. In addition to Rome and Florence as one of the most popular destinations in Italy, Venice can be your tour choice if you visit this country.

Venice, a historic city built on water, and the Grand Canal (Canale Grande) is a busy main street. Grand Canal is a channel (canal) that forms one of the main water traffic corridors in the city along the 3.8 kilometer.

One end canal leads to a lagoon near the Santa Lucia train station and the other end leads to a valley in San Marco which makes a large inverted S shape through the central district (sestieri) of Venice.

The large canal crosses the central neighborhood of Venice from the Santa Lucia train station to St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco), passes under the iconic Rialto Bridge along the road, and functions as a beautiful main artery.

Sailing along the Grand Canal is a centuries-old journey of Venice's history, when historic luxury buildings dating from the 13th to 18th centuries are located along most of the canal routes.

Although the stretch of canals is lined with pedestrian paths, many important landmarks can only be seen from the water, so a boat and boat tour or vaporetti (public ferry) is the best way to enjoy the charm of the Grand Canal.

For a canal history tour, choose a daytime tour so you can see the palaces and magnificent buildings that are famous in Venice. For a romantic trip, choose a moonlit gondola ride. Then, if you want a truly Venetian experience, choose a gondola ride with Serenade.

Most Grand Canal gondola rides start or end at St Mark's Square, home to St. Mark's Basilica and Doge Palace, including some beautiful little canals along the road. (as/ip)
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