
Sequoia National Park, Tourist Destinations and Houses Hundreds Giant Trees

Sequoia National Park is famous for its Giant Sequoia trees, including General Sherman, the largest tree on earth. This tree grows in the Giant Forest, which has five of the 10 largest trees in terms of wood volume in the world.

IPHEDIA.com - Sequoia National Park is a national park in southern Sierra Nevada, southeast of Fresno, California, United States. The park, which was founded on September 25, 1890, is the third national park established in the United States.

With an area covering 1,635 km², in this park there is also Mount Whitney, the highest point in 48 US states at an altitude of 4,421.1 m asl. The national park is adjacent to Kings Canyon National Park, both of which are managed as a unit by the National Park Service.

Sequoia National Park is famous for its Giant Sequoia trees, including General Sherman, the largest tree on earth. This tree grows in the Giant Forest, which has five of the 10 largest trees in terms of wood volume in the world.

The Giant Forest that connects the General Highway to General Grant Grove in Kings Canyon National Park is the home of the General Grant tree among other giant sequels.

The giant sequoia forest in this park is part of 202,430 hectares of old forest that grows together in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. The parks preserve landscapes that still resemble southern Sierra Nevada before European-American settlements.

Of the 100 tourist destinations in the world, Sequoia National Park in 2018 was included in 25 World Travel Destinations by TIME Magazine titled "World's Greatest Places 2018". Cool. (as/ip)
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