Pink Beach, Favorite Travel Destinations in Lombok

One tourist attraction that is well known in Lombok, namely Pink Beach, a beach with unique pink sand, which is a favorite of domestic and foreign tourists. - Enjoying the beauty sea on the island of Lombok is a target of tourists, both local and foreign tourists. One tourist attraction that is already well known in Lombok, namely Pink Beach.

Pink Beach is a beach with reddish white sand because combination of white and red so that the sand on this beach is similar to pink. Therefore, the beach is called Pink Beach.

Pink Beach is located in Sekaroh Village, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, located 85.7 kilometers from the provincial capital or about 2 hours using a vehicle.

Some reasons many tourists prefer to travel to Pink Beach than other tourist attractions in Lombok because uniqueness of pink sand that is not easily found in other beach tourism in Indonesia and even the world.

Then, the sea on the Pink beach is still clear so that when you ride the boat you can see the underwater beauty from above the surface. Pink sand beach, clear blue sea, coupled with natural scenery around this beach which is still beautiful, adds its own beauty to the Pink Beach.

When you are and will be on the island of Lombok, you may be confused with the means of transportation and tour guides, take it easy, there are tour & travel services that can be ordered remotely, can be picked up at terminals, ports, airports, or other places on the island of Lombok. In fact, through a search on Google there are also many tour packages that offer travel services to Lombok. (*)
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