
So The Author Begins With Dreams, Diligent and Sensitive

If someone says that success starts with a dream, it might be possible. But don't just continue to dream of being a writer. Realize the dream with reality. Achieve your desires with confidence and study.

IPHEDIA.com - The main thing that must be removed and thrown away from your mind in writing, namely words can not, do not have time, how to begin, what to write, what will be obtained from writing, you are nobody, young age to too early, or old age so what else to do it. Such things are actually obscure thoughts.

Age is not an obstacle for you in your work. You must be sensitive. Today, there are many talented young writers who are old but still write. Their writings were accepted by their readers. That means, in work there are no age restrictions. In fact, there are writers before closing age still have time to write. His heart was still moved to produce a paper.

If you look at other people who are first writers with a myriad of writings and success, who knows when that desire will be achieved. You don't need to be inferior. Thus, you are motivated to be like them, successful writers with their works.

If someone says that success starts with a dream, it might be possible. But don't just continue to dream of being a writer. Realize the dream with reality. Achieve your desires with confidence and study. Smart people mostly start from learning. There are no smart people. Be determined if you are also able to write.

Ideally, everyone has self potential. Each has abilities that are sometimes not possessed by others. That's a fact that has become fate. People are destined for various similarities and differences. It's just that someone can undergo, use and develop it. With his ability, a person can survive, find identity, be useful for others and many others.

Writing, one of the abilities of the many abilities that a person has. They, the writers who have worked, are destined to become writers. There are many writers, but not everyone works as a writer or good at writing. Each individual has been outlined to have their own talents and destiny. But that does not mean you can not do it. Moreover, writing is based on intentions and sentiments.

By trying to learn and understand your own abilities, you can find the answers. Maybe, the ability to write is in you, even though you haven't fully realized it before, or haven't been able to write the creativity of writing because you're still hesitant to start. Now is the time you start working. Discover your identity through writing. (Akhmad Sadad/IP)
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