
Pasih Uug Beach, Attraction With Beautiful Coral Cliffs in Nusa Penida Bali

In addition to the beauty of its beaches, another uniqueness of Pasih Uug Beach is a hole that at first glance looks like a bridge. This spot is widely known and is a unique tourist destination.

IPHEDIA.com - The attraction of panoramic views of natural and cultural beauty on Bali island is no stranger to the world. Lots of domestic and foreign tourists who spend their vacation time on Island Gods, which is known as one list Indonesian tourist attractions that are worldwide.

Although there are many tourist sites in Bali that present attractive holiday destinations, there is one tourist location in Nusa Penida which is now a tourist spot that is being hit in Bali and is also a target for tourists because of its natural beauty of beaches with beautiful coral cliffs.

The best Indonesian tourist destination in Nusa Penida Bali is called Pasih Uug Beach (Broken Beach) on Nusa Peninda Island, precisely in Bunga Mekar Village, Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency, Bali Province.

Maybe Pasih Uug Beach attraction or what is known as Broken Beach is still so foreign to most people. Many people know the beaches in Bali, such as Tanah Lot Beach, Kuta Beach, Sanur Beach, Jimbaran Beach, Nusa Dua Beach, Pandawa Beach and other beaches. Meanwhile, the name Pasih Uug Beach is forgotten.

Pasih Uug Beach actually has been visited by many tourists for a long time. However, because of the access not all tourists visiting Bali come to the beach attraction. This is because to go to the beach attractions are required to use two transportation trips.

To get to Pasih Uug Beach, tourists use sea transportation to Bali's Nusa Penida Island. Then, continued by using a land vehicle to arrive at a location that takes about 90 minutes from the pier of Nusa Penida Bali.

However, after we arrive at the location, all fatigue and fatigue will be paid off with the natural panorama of exotic beaches and sea cliffs in one of the unique natural attractions in Indonesia that are globally in Nusa Penida Bali.

In addition to the beauty of its beaches, another uniqueness of Pasih Uug Beach is a hole that at first glance looks like a bridge. This spot is widely known and is a unique tourist destination in Indonesia which is an attraction for domestic and foreign tourists to visit one of the beaches in Bali. (as/ip)
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