Besides writing, you also have to get used to reading. This is important. Because a good writer, he's part of a good reader. Read what can be read. Diligent reading will be smart. - Once you enter the world of writing, it means you must be sure and write diligently at the same time. Again, write anything based on your idea. Maybe from the smallest, you write poetry, short stories, serialized stories (Cerber), book reviews and also plan to write books. Develop creativity in your hands and mind according to your abilities.
Besides writing, you also have to get used to reading. This is important. Because a good writer, he's part of a good reader. Read what can be read. Diligent reading will be smart. Lots of useful reading that you can read. With a lot of reading, you have accumulated ideas that can be used as writing material.
Develop your ideas by reading more. Your writing skills can be developed in three ways, namely exploration, elaboration and synthesis. So that you are not confused, just add insight into these three ways, each of which will be explained.
In simple language, exploration means exploring something new. Writers should get out of their comfort zone, that is, get out of writing the same things. Indeed, writing in a style that is inherent in the author makes writing safe. In the sense that the quality can be more awake. However, the writings that are created can seem monotonous. Readers can become bored. Well, this is your job to keep trying to find something new, both in terms of writing techniques, themes, messages, and so on without having to leave his trademark.
While elaboration, means cultivating diligently and carefully. Likewise in writing. You should work on it diligently and carefully. So that your writing skills can be achieved with more leverage. Elaboration can be done with various activities before, during and after work. For example, you do research before writing, pay attention to EYD (Enhanced Spelling), publish your work to certain media and so on.
As for synthesis, it means mixing to produce something new. Modifying writing can also be done to get something new from your writing. For example, you try to mix the writing styles of famous writers with your writing style.
One of the ideas development writings is writing articles. The more mature you write the article, the sharper inspiration captures and develops ideas. Many creative and productive writers begin their work by writing articles first. Then continue to other writing, as well as the author of the book.
Article writers, both in newspapers and in magazines, come from various walks of life. He could indeed be a writer, the press, observers, observers, activists, mass organizations (CSOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), figures, activists, academics, students to students. The article they wrote consisted of many topics of problems as well as with different delivery styles.
Articles themselves can mean writing such as news or essays. Essays are prose essays, not poetry rules, which deal with a problem in passing from the personal point of view of the author. This means, writing articles also requires exposure from the author.
That is why articles in the mass media, such as in daily, weekly, monthly newspapers and magazines, contain technical data, but the contents are more towards cursory exposure and this is purely the personal opinion of the author after reading other opinions from the work. that has been seen and read.
Even though in principle they both write articles, but each writer usually has a different writing style. This also shows the ability of the author to choose a theme or topic, writing style, exposure to content to the content contained in the article. An article writer is also required to be observant in seeing the situation and conditions and pouring out his ideas. Writing compelling articles always pay attention to the tone of the writing. (Akhmad Sadad/IP)
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