
Roman Empire, Reign Monarchy, Forerunner of The Rome City

The Roman Empire began with settlements around the Palatine Hill along the Tiber river in central Italy.

IPHEDIA - Roman Empire (Regnum Romanum) a monarchical government in the City of Rome, Italy, with its first king named Romulus. This kingdom was founded around 753 BC, before the Ancient Roman Empire and ended after the overthrow of the kings and the founding of the Republic in 509 BC.

The Roman Empire began with settlements around the Palatine Hill along the Tiber river in central Italy. It is said, Remus (the first king) and his brother Romulus, son of Vesta Rhea Silvia (son of Numitor, king of Alba Longa) with the god Mars. When they reach adulthood, they know the origins of his birth, and kill Amulius, Numitor's sister.

Instead of waiting until it was time to replace Numitor as the king of Alba Longa, Remus and Romulus decided to build a new city. Remus wanted to build a city on Aventine Hill, while Romulus wanted Palantine Hill. Because of differing opinions, Remus and Romulus fought, until Remus was eliminated.

According to sources from Livius, Plutarchus, Dionysius of Halicarnassus and others, the Roman Empire was led by seven kings in 243 years. When the Gauls invaded Rome after the Battle of Allia in 390 BC, all historical records were destroyed, so there were no historical records from the royal period.

It is known, currently Rome is the capital of Italy, the capital of the Province of Rome and also the capital of the region of Lazio. The city is located downstream of the Tiber river, near the Mediterranean Sea. The history of this city is very long, more than 2,800 years. During this time, the city was the center of the Roman Empire, the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, and later the Papal state, the Kingdom of Italy, and now the Italian Republic. (as/rs)
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