
Prajnaparamita Statue, Beautiful Woman Embodiment of Ancient Javanese Art

The statue of a beautiful woman sitting cross-legged on a padmasana (lotus seat) with her hands forming this meditation aura was found in the ruins of Cungkup Putri near Singasari Temple, Malang, East Java.

IPHEDIA - The Prajnaparamita Statue is the most famous Bodhisattwadewi (female bodhisattva) manifestation of ancient Javanese. Many archeologists, art lovers and residents adore their beauty and the refinement of stone carvings at this statue.

This statue is estimated to originate from the 13th century AD in the era of Singasari Kingdom. The statue of a beautiful woman sitting cross-legged on a padmasana (lotus seat) with her hands forming this meditation aura was found in the ruins of Cungkup Putri near Singasari Temple, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.

According to local belief, this statue embodies Ken Dedes, Singhasari's first queen. However, there are other opinions that associate this statue as the embodiment of Gayatri the wife of Kertarajasa, the first king of Majapahit.

The statue of Prajna Paramita was first known to exist in 1818 or 1819 by D. Monnereau, a Dutch East Indies apparatus. In 1820 Monnereau gave this statue to C.G.C. Reinwardt, who then brought him to the Netherlands and finally this statue became a collection of Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde in the City of Leiden.

In January 1978, the Rijksmuseum Voor Volkenkunde (National Museum for Ethnology) returned this statue to Indonesia, and has been placed in the Jakarta National Museum to date. Now, the statue is placed on the 2nd floor of the Arca Building, the Jakarta National Museum. (as/rs)
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