
Jakarta Old Town, a Historical Place That Many Visitors Visit

The development of this area began in 1526. At that time, Fatahillah sent by the Sultanate of Demak attacked Sunda Kelapa Harbor in Pajajaran Kingdom which was later given the name Jayakarta.

IPHEDIA.com - Jakarta Old Town, an area that was built by Dutch colonial as a trading center in Asia during colonial period. This area is always full of tourists every day, both local and foreign tourists.

The development of this area began in 1526. At that time, Fatahillah sent by Sultanate of Demak attacked Sunda Kelapa Harbor in Pajajaran Kingdom which was later given name Jayakarta. In 1619, VOC destroyed Jayakarta, then commanded by Jan Pieterszoon Coen. A year later, VOC built a new city called Batavia.

In 1635, city extended to west bank Ciliwung River. The city is designed in a European Dutch style and arranged in several blocks separated by canals. Batavia City was completed in 1650 and functioned as the VOC headquarters in East Indies. During Japanese occupation in 1942, Batavia changed its name to Jakarta and became capital Indonesia until now.

In 1972, Governor of Jakarta, Ali Sadikin, issued an official decree which made Kota Tua a heritage site. This decision aims to protect remaining architectural and building history.

In Jakarta Old Town area, visitors can visit the Fatahillah Museum, Bank Indonesia Museum, City Train Station, Sunda Kelapa Harbor, Puppet Museum, Maritime Museum, Fine Arts and Ceramics Museum and others. In addition to taking pictures, around Old City there are many traders who sell food to a variety of souvenirs that can be brought home. (US)
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