
In addition to Website / Blog Indexed Fast on Search Engines, This Benefits Google Search Consule


IPHEDIA - Google Search Consule really helps your website / blog to be easily indexed by the search system on Google. Thus, your posts / articles / videos can be more easily found by people on the internet and not be an article that is only updated but difficult to find Search Engines. What is Google Search Consule?

Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google to help you monitor, maintain and troubleshoot your site's presence in Google Search results. In Search Console, you not only register sites and include them in Google Search results, but Search Console can help you understand and improve how Google sees your site.

With your website / blog listed in Search Console, of course Google can find and crawl your site, fix indexing problems and request re-indexing for new or updated content and see Google Search traffic data for your site: how often your site appears on Google Search, which search queries brought up your site, how often searchers clicked for that query, and more.

Then, you will also receive a notification when Google discovers indexing, spam, or other problems on your site, showing which sites link to your site and solving problems regarding AMP, mobile usability, and other Search features.

In addition to its many benefits, registering Google Search Consule is also easy. The trick, you can directly login through a Google account. Then, Open Webmaster Tools, Click Add Property, Select "Website" from the drop-down menu and enter the website / blog URL. Make sure you write the exact URL that appears in the browser, click "Continue" and Finish. You have registered with Google Search Consule. (as)
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