
History Medang Kamulan Kingdom, Relics and Governing Kings

From several records of inscriptions that have been found, the Medang Kamulan Kingdom is located in the area of ​​East Java, precisely in Watu Galuh, on the banks of the Brantas River which is the capital of Watan Mas, which is now estimated to be in Jombang Regency.

IPHEDIA - Medang Kamulan is a Hindu-style kingdom di Indonesia. The location of Medang Kamulan Kingdom at the mouth of the Brantas River with its capital Wantan Mas. The existence of the Medang Kamulan Kingdom can be known through historical sources, both from inscriptions and foreign news.

The Medang Kamulan Kingdom basically continued from the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. However, despite the continuation of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom, the ruler of the Medang Kamulan Kingdom was not a dynasty or dynasty that ruled from the Ancient Mataram Kingdom.

This kingdom of Medang Kamulan is a kingdom that was in the area of ​​East Java during the 10th century, a continuation of the Sanjaya Dynasty which incidentally originated from the Ancient Mataram Kingdom in Central Java. Ancient Mataram Kingdom in Central Java at that time moved the center of its kingdom from Central Java to East Java.

The founder of Medang Kamulan Kingdom was Mpu Sindok who was also the founder of the Isyana Dynasty who later sent down kings in Medang. The Isyana dynasty itself ruled and ruled for a century since 929 AD.

The background in moving the Ancient Mataram Kingdom Center was allegedly due to the eruption of Mount Merapi which required a move to East Java.

From several records of inscriptions that have been found, the Medang Kamulan Kingdom is located in the area of ​​East Java, precisely in Watu Galuh, on the banks of the Brantas River which is the capital of Watan Mas, which is now estimated to be in Jombang Regency.

Royal Medang Kamulan Heritage Inscription

From a few inscriptions from the Medang Kamulan Kingdom, we can learn the history of the establishment and collapse of the Medang Kamulan Kingdom. Because there are quite a lot of inscriptions that can be found related to the existence and glory of the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan.

Below are some of the inscriptions and historical relics of the Medang Kamulan Kingdom which have been found, including:

* Tangeran Inscription (933 AD) from the village of Tangeran (Jombang area), the contents Mpu Sindok ruled with his queen Sri Wardhani.

* Bangil Inscription, its contents Mpu Sindok ordered the construction of a temple for his father-in-law's resting place named Rakyan Bawang.

* Lor Inscription (939 AD) from Lor (near Ngajuk), its contents Mpu Sindok ordered to build Jayamrata and Jayamstambho (Victory Monument) temples in Anyok Lodang Village.

* Calcutta Inscription, the contents of the event of the destruction of the palace belonging to Dharmawangsa which also contains the pedigree of the kings of Medang Kamulan.

Reign Kings Medang Kamulan Kingdom

The kingdom of Medang Kamulan can be said as one of the kingdoms that can last a long time in East Java. The kings took turns in running the wheels of his government to prosper his people.

There are several names of the king who succeeded in bringing the Medang Kamulan Kingdom into a prosperous kingdom for his people. The first king of Mpu Sindok who was also the founder of the Medang Kamulan Kingdom.

Mpu Sindok ruled for approximately twenty years (929 AD - 949 AD). Mpu Sindok has the title Sri Maharaja Raka i Hino Sri Isana Wikrama Dharmatunggadewa.

In running the government of Medang Kamulan, Mpu Sindok was assisted by his wife, Sri Wardhani Pu Kbin. Then proceed with Dharmawangsa Tegu who is the grandson of Mpu Sindok himself.

He came to power in 990 AD - 1016 AD During this kingdom, the penetration of commerce was quite aggressive even in the Srivijaya Kingdom. Then, the next king of Medang Kamulan was King Airlangga / Erlangga in 1019M - 1042 AD.

Raja Airlangga is the son of Raja Bali Udayana and Mahendradatta, sister of Dharmawangsa Teguh. The story until Airlangga could become the king of Medang Kamulan at that time Airlangga became an escape in Wonogiri which was later crowned king.

King Airlangga was then able to restore the authority of the Medang Kamulan Kingdom by successfully conquering several previous kings. (as/rs)
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