
Adding Asynchronous Jquery Code For Loading Website / Blog So Fast and Light


IPHEDIA - Loading pages of websites / blogs desktop and mobile versions that are lightweight and fast are very preferred by search engines and users. For Search Engines, websites / blogs with light loading have structures that are easy to crawl. For visitors, the fast loading time will not make them wait long.

It is known, almost all templates on a website have jquery script code. Jquery is a multiplatform JavaScript library designed to make client-side scripts in HTML files easier.

With syntax jquery, template developers are easier to design various JavaScript-based plugins. This plugin is used to compile abstractions, such as animated interactions, and complex effects from various configurable widgets.

Even so, the placement of the jquery code in the template must also be accompanied by an asynchronous code so that the loading of the website / blog becomes lighter. For placement, open your website / blog template and search for jquery code like this:

<script src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js'/>

Meanwhile, to increase the loading speed of your website / blog, add the asynchronous code async = 'true' (red writing) so that it looks like the one below.

<script async='true' src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js'/>

That's the way to load your website / blog so it is lighter and faster with the Asynchronous Jquery Code. May be useful. (teb)
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