
Google Chat With 7 New Features, Send Messages Easier


IPHEDIA.com - Google Chat makes it easy for you to connect with anyone, both for sending messages to your friends and family.

In essence, Google Chat is a Google feature that can be used to send messages, pictures and videos to individuals or groups.

With Google Chat, you can create responses quickly with smart compose, edit and delete messages, check read receipts and more.

Currently, many people use Google Chat, a communication service developed by Google.

Launching the Google Blog, here are seven new Google Chat features that make it easier for you to send messages.

1. Create responses quickly using smart compose

Smart compose, also available in Gmail and Google Docs, helps you quickly create responses in Chat.

In addition, Smart compose offers context-aware suggestions that help reduce spelling and grammar errors.

When you start typing in Chat and a suggestion appears, just hit tab to accept it.

Smart compose is rolling out in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese for all Chat web users.

2. Edit and delete your message

With message editing, you can change the message you've sent to make sure it's clear, accurate and in the right tone.

Or if it's better to start over, you can delete your messages. This feature is generally available to all Chat users.

3. Quote messages in group chats

To help organize the conversation (and your thoughts), you can now quote messages in your responses.

That way, the group can easily see what comments you're responding to without stopping the main discussion.

4. Check read receipts in group chats

If your internet is down, you may not know if your message has arrived, or if your friends haven't seen it.

With read receipts for group messages in Chat, when someone reads a message you sent, you'll see their avatar appear below it.

For large group chats, hover or tap to see the full list.

5. Link directly to text

On the web and Android, you'll be able to link text in your messages the same way you would in a Google Doc or Slides.

Simply select the text you want to hyperlink, click the "Insert link" icon in the text formatting toolbar and paste or type in a URL. Or just use the keyboard shortcut ⌘/Ctrl + k.

6. Hide inactive conversations

If you have more than 10 conversations or rooms, Google Chat will help tidy it up by hiding direct messages and rooms that have been inactive for the last seven days.

You can always see the full list of conversations by toggling the "More" button, and Google Chat will automatically pop it back to the top when a new message is posted.

7. Add apps for more features

Chat apps can make it easier to manage your conversations. You can install Zapier to manage custom notifications and keep everyone updated on your plans. (*)

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