
Signal For a WhatsApp-Like Messaging Application, Here Are The Advantages


In terms of appearance, the Signal application interface is almost the same as WhatsApp, including the features in it. Because, the makers same people and developed by the Signal Foundation and Signal Messenger LLC. 

IPHEDIA.com - Signal messaging applications like WhatsApp (WA) which can be used for free and encrypted. To get this application can be downloaded on the Android and iOS platforms and a desktop version is also available.

In terms of appearance, the Signal application interface is almost the same as WhatsApp, including the features in it. Because, the creators same people, it was developed by Signal Foundation and Signal Messenger LLC.

Signal Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by WhatsApp founder Brian Acton in 2018, after he left Facebook Inc. Unlike WhatsApp, Signal was developed on a self-supporting model.

In this application, users can become donors for the Signal Foundation, which says they want to develop communication services that prioritize privacy.

The features in Signal are exactly the same as those available on WhatsApp, including basic features, such as text messages, images, videos, sounds, GIFs, and documents. Then, there are also features for mute, personal and group video calls for up to five people.

Not only that, but Signal has a disappearing messages feature or deletes automatic messages that WhatsApp recently added. The difference is, in Signal users can set the time when messages are automatically deleted, starting from 5 seconds to 7 days. While WhatsApp only provides the default delete messages after 7 days.

Now, because similarity of these features, for those of you who are used to using WhatsApp, of course, you will have no trouble if you move to Signal. How, want to try it? You can download the Signal application on the Play Store. (as/ip)


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