
Here Are Some Things You Should Know When Visiting Maldives


In the Maldives there are more than 100 private resorts as well as many hotels and inns. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Maldives or better known as the Maldives is an archipelago which is one of the world's favorite tourist destinations.

IPHEDIA.com - Visiting beautiful beaches, exotic islands and various underwater beauties, one of which is the Maldives. The country called the Republic Maldives is located in south-southwest India, about 700 km southwest of Sri Lanka.

Maldives, an archipelago consisting of a collection of atolls or coral islands surrounding a lagoon in the Indian Ocean, is a country with the smallest population and area in Asia.

This country, which is located in the Indian Ocean, consists of about 1,200 islands, is indeed the most suitable to be visited to enjoy its beautiful beaches. Tourists can do many things, from swimming to diving to see the exotic colors of coral reefs.

For the facilities no doubt. In the Maldives there are more than 100 private resorts as well as many hotels and inns. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Maladewa or better known as the Maldives is an archipelago which is one of the world's favorite tourist destinations.

Before vacationing in the Maldives, at least there are things that are interesting and you should know while in this beautiful archipelago, such as determining the best time and purpose of the visit.

The Maldives provides a free 30 day tourist arrival visa. That way, you don't have to bother taking care of a visa and can more easily schedule visits. Only with your passport capital, you can enjoy the beauty of beaches and other tourist locations for a full month in the Maldives if you want.

For currency, the Maldives uses the Rufiyaa currency, but in some places it can also accept US dollars. So, even though you are still in the Asian region, if you spend rupiah, ringgit or Singapore dollars it doesn't sell here, you must first exchange it with the currency in this country.

To visit the Maldives, a number of tourist travel pages recommend the best time to visit the island nation in the summer, between November and April, or it is also recommended in September, before entering the tourist high season.

Between those months, the weather in the Maldives supports the joy of traveling. Because, apart from being exposed to the sun, the wind that blows is also said to make you feel at home.

Almost all people of Maldives are Muslim. At least 80 percent of women in the country wear the hijab. Therefore, they really uphold Islamic values.

Here prohibits alcoholic drinks that can only be found in certain hotels, restaurants or bars. Then, it is forbidden for local residents to swim wearing bikinis on the beach. The permitted swimming costumes are shorts and a t-shirt. Bikinis are only allowed on privately owned places, special beaches, or in hotels.

In addition, in the Maldives when it was time for Friday prayers almost all activities stopped. Not a single public facility is open here. In fact, the airport is also temporarily closed. In almost every corner of the city you can find a mosque. (as/ip)


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