
The Cause VOC Being Dissolved Besides Corruption and Fraud


The VOC was dissolved on 31 December 1799 and left a debt of 136.7 million guilders. However, the VOC left behind its wealth in the form of trading offices, fortresses, warehouses, ships, and even territories.

IPHEDIA.com - VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) or the Dutch East India Company, which was officially named the East India Company Association, was founded on March 20, 1602 by Dutch traders.

The VOC was founded partly because at that time there was intense competition between European countries, such as Portugal, Spain, England, France and the Netherlands itself. The competition was fighting for trade hegemony in East Asia, especially in spices. To win this competition, the VOC by the Staaten Generaal in the Netherlands was given the authority to have an army that they had to pay for themselves.

The VOC also had the right, on behalf of the Dutch Government, which was still a republic at that time, to make a state treaty and declare war on a country. This authority stated that a trade association such as the VOC could act like a country.

In the East Indies or in present-day Indonesia, the VOC established its headquarters in Batavia (now Jakarta) on the Java Island, and established another Maluku colonial post. They maintain a monopoly, including by committing violence against the local population, extortion, and even murder.

In 1603, the VOC obtained permission to establish a representative office in Banten. Pieter Both was appointed Governor General VOC first (1610–1614). However, later he chose Jayakarta as the base for VOC administration. Meanwhile, Frederik de Houtman became Governor VOC in Ambon (1605–1611) and became Governor of Maluku (1621–1623).

The VOC went into decline in the middle 18th century and was finally dissolved. Several reasons for the dissolution of the VOC, including many VOC employees who committed corruption and fraud and spent a lot of money for wars, for example the war against Sultan Hasanuddin of Gowa

Then, the large number of employee salaries that must be paid, because extensive power requires a lot of employees and the payment of profits (dividends) to shareholders also burdensome after the VOC experienced a shortage of income and the increasing number of trading rivals in Asia, especially France and England.

This dissolution was also due to the French Revolution which resulted in the Dutch falling into French hands under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte. In addition, there were also political changes in the Netherlands with the establishment Batavian Republic in 1795 which was democratic and liberal advocating free trade.

For a number of reasons, the VOC was dissolved on December 31, 1799. The VOC left a debt of 136.7 million guilders. However, the VOC left behind its wealth in the form of trading offices, fortresses, warehouses, ships, and even territories in Indonesia. These assets were then transferred to the Dutch Government. (as/ip)

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