
Mutun Beach, a Must-Visit Tourism Object in Lampung

Mutun Beach is only 25 kilometers from Bandar Lampung City, it can be reached by driving for about 30 minutes. Near the beach there is Tangkil Island, a natural island tourist destination that is still natural.

Mutun Beach, Pesawaran, Lampung, Indonesia

IPHEDIA.com - One beach tourism destinations in Lampung Province, Sumatra Island, Indonesia, which you can visit with family, friends and relatives is Mutun Beach. This beach is widely used as a vacation destination by parents who come from Bandar Lampung City or its surroundings.

This beach is only 25 kilometers from Bandar Lampung City, can be reached by driving for about 30 minutes. Near the beach there is Tangkil Island, a natural island tourist destination that is still natural. To reach Tangkil Island, a boat is provided by the beach manager.

Mutun Beach has a stretch of fine white sand, which is perfect for families as a vacation spot together. The waves are calm and shallow beaches are very tempting to try the sensation of swimming there. With the atmosphere of the waves that are not too high, this place provides a better level of security for children.

Besides swimming on the beach, children can also play water in the water boom. Of course if you enter the Waterboom you will be charged another ticket. Children can play long and high slides. With so many variations of games that can be used, children will feel at home on vacation in this place. However, parents should always pay attention and supervise them.

If you want to sit around enjoying a charming sea view, you can rent small huts for rent along the coastline. The cool air with a gentle breeze makes many visitors want to linger here.

For visitors who want to swim to the sea, they can rent swimming tires at tire rental places. If you want to enjoy the sensation of playing water in the middle of the sea, you can also rent a banana boat, canoe, ATV motorbike, or windsurf. Of course this game adds to the joy of the holidays with family.

If you are tired of swimming and playing water, you can take a break while tasting the various foods and drinks that are sold here. There are many shops or cafes that provide a variety of food and beverage menus, such as ice, meatballs, snacks, and even rice. So, here you don't need to be afraid of hunger. There are many types of food that can be purchased at the location of this beach attraction.

If you don't rent a hut, you can still rest while sitting under the neatly lined trees. The tree that is mostly planted here is the waru tree. So, when we sit under it the air feels very cool because of the shade of the thick trees above. A place to rinse or bathroom has also been provided by the manager at the tourist site. (as/ip)
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