
How to Enable Translation Features in Various Browsers Without Having Bother

To translate various foreign languages ​​there is already a web translate on Google that is often used by many people. But, it is very troublesome to have to translate many articles manually one by one.

IPHEDIA.com - Right now, the information you might need is not only from within the country but there is also a wealth of information from abroad that provides benefits.

Unfortunately, all websites or blogs that provide information from foreign countries speak a foreign language so that it will be difficult for you to understand it as a whole if you do not understand the language.

The difficulty again, not infrequently some browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox and others, sometimes do not provide features to translate the web. Or, it could have been available in the application, but to be able to use it needs to be activated first.

To translate various foreign languages ​​there is already a web translate on Google that is often used by many people. But, it is very troublesome to have to translate many articles manually one by one.

IPHEDIA.com notes that there are several ways to activate the translation feature in a number of browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer (IE).

If you want to enable translation in Chrome, all you have to do is open the Chrome menu in the top right corner, then select Settings. Next, click on Advanced and scroll down until you find the Languages ​​option.

In the Languages ​​option you just add the desired language. To search for more languages, you drag the cursor down, exploring the various languages ​​that have been provided.

Then, if you want to enable or disable the translation feature in Firefox, how to open the Firefox menu on the top right of the browser, click Preferences. After that you click Select in the Language and Appearance section.

There, you can choose the language to add, and click Ok to end the step. For active translation you need a third party application. Install the Translate extension from the Safari Extensions Gallery. To translate, right-click on the page.

Next, you select Translate this page and the translation will be displayed below the address. Select the language to be translated on the translation page, finally click the Translate arrow on the web page.

Just like in Safari, activating translation in IE also requires a third-party application, called Bing Bar. If you have Microsoft Translator, you can use it. If you use Microsoft Edge, there is also translation available.

So several ways that can be a reference for you if you want to use translation effectively by activating the translation feature in a number of browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer (IE). Hopefully useful and good luck! (ip)
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