
Turkey is a Tourist Destination of Two Cultural Continents in Eurasia

Every year there are tens of thousands of foreign tourists visiting Turkey, a country that combines two cultures from two continents, namely Asia and Europe. The country also has a combination of many cultures, as well as ancient cities to luxurious beach resorts.

IPHEDIA.com - One world's tourist destination countries today is Turkey. The Republic of Turkey or Türkiye, a large country in the Eurasian region. Its territory stretches from the Anatolian Peninsula in Southwest Asia and Balkans in Southeast Europe.

The capital of Turkey is in Ankara, but largest city in country is Istanbul. Strategically located on a crossing of two continents, Turkish culture is a unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures.

This country has a combination of many cultures, as well as ancient cities to luxurious beach resorts. Turkey is claimed to be the only country that combines two cultures from two continents, namely Asia and Europe.

Marmara Sea, part of Turkey, marks the boundaries of Europe and Asia, so Turkey is known as a transcontinental country. With the existence of a strong region from Adriatic to China in land route between Russia and India, Turkey has also gained a rapidly growing strategic importance.

In tourism sector, Turkey is country that offers the best deals. Every year there are tens of thousands of foreign tourists visiting Turkey. Searches for holidays to Turkey rose to 122 percent and Cappadocia destinations were top of all tourist lists there.

It is located from the iconic hot air balloon trip and finally seized the attention of tourists. How, when do you want to travel to Turkey? There are many interesting tourist destinations in this country that you can visit. (*)
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