History of World Leadership at The Indonesian Tin Museum, Bangka Belitung

Tin ore mining in Bangka Belitung has been carried out since the days Dutch East Indies and continues to this day. You can find a number of historical relics on the pertim in this area at the Indonesian Tin Museum.

IPHEDIA.com - Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel) has always been famous for its tin. Because of the large potential of tin ore yields in the province of South Sumatra Province, there are also Bangka Belitung Islands who call it "Timah Island".

Tin ore mining in Bangka Belitung has been carried out since the days of the Dutch East Indies and continues to this day. You can find a number of historical relics about tin in this area in the Indonesian Tin Museum or the Museum of Mineral Technology in Pangkalpinang.

The Indonesian Tin Museum occupies the official home Bankof Tin Winning (BTW) Hoofdt Administration, at Ahmad Yani Street No. 179 Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, is one assets owned by a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) under the auspices of PT Timah Tbk.

The official home Hoofdt Administration BTW which is now used as the Tin Museum, when the Dutch Aggression II was used as the location of several negotiations or diplomacy between the leaders Republic of Indonesia who were exiled to Bangka with the Dutch Government and UNCI (United Nations Commission for Indonesia) so that the Roem-Royen Statement was born. on May 7, 1949.

The Indonesian Tin Museum was originally founded in 1958, with the aim of recording history meetings in Pacific Islands and introducing them to the wider community. The establishment museum began in the 50s, which at that time in mining activities found many traditional objects used by ancient miners, especially the Dutch era.

Although it was founded in 1958, the Tin Museum in Bangka Belitung was only officially opened and was officially inaugurated on August 2, 1997. Until now, museum is only museum in the Middle East that holds records long history journey in the history of Bangka Belitung in particular, and the world in general.

Existence Indonesian Tin Museum in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung, is not only beneficial for education and society in general who want to know the history tin, but also has attracted the interest and visits of tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists from various countries. (*)
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