Jaipong dance or also known as Jaipongan has been haunting, not only in West Java (West Java) but also in other areas in the country which are inhabited by many Sundanese people.
IPHEDIA.com - The diversity of dance in Indonesia is not only cultural treasury, but also currently attracts tourists, both domestic and foreign. Especially for Sundanese arts and culture, there are several types of dance that are well known to the people of Indonesia. Here are 3 types of famous Sundanese dances that IPHEDIA.com summarizes.
Jaipong Dance
Jaipong dance or also known as Jaipongan has been haunting, not only in West Java (West Java) but also in other areas in the country which are inhabited by many Sundanese people.
This dance can be categorized as a modern dance, because it was born from traditional dances that have been updated. This dance is very well known throughout the country. No wonder the dance is loved by the people.
Rampak Gendang Dance
This dance is already familiar to Indonesian people, even this type of dance has arrived in America. Specifically, American students come to Indonesia to learn Sundanese dance that has this energetic movement. Not only about the movement but also its history.
As the name implies, this dance has the main musical instruments, in the form of drums (drums). The music player is none other than a dancer who goes up on stage. Looks like percussion. Usually, this dance is played by 2 people more. Requires harmony of movement and the same beating pressure when playing. This dance is also sometimes accompanied by other musical instruments, such as guitar and fiddle.
Mask Dance
Cirebon is one area that often presents mask dance. This dance certainly has a uniqueness in the form of a mask worn by the dancer. This uniqueness makes this dance easy to remember.
In addition to the Cirebon mask dance, in West Java there is also Priangan mask dance which has been developing since the 19th century. One famous Priangan mask dances is Kencana Wungu mask dance.
Thus 3 types Sundanese dance that is already famous. Three dances above have been able to steal the hearts of people not only less Sundanese, but also Indonesian people in general. (as/ip)
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