
Stonehenge, a World Heritage Prehistoric Site in England

Stonehenge comes from the words Stone and Henge. Stone means stone, while Henge means circle. Archaeologists define henge as a circular wall of earth with a moat in it.

IPHEDIA.con - In Britain there is a prehistoric site that is visited by many tourists, Stonehenge. Stonehenge a building thought to have been built in the Bronze Age and Neolithic.

This site is located adjacent to Amesbury in Wiltshire, England, about 13 kilometers northwest of Salisbury. As one of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is an upright stone circle that is inside the sphere of the earth wall.

Stonehenge comes from the words Stone and Henge. Stone means stone, while Henge means circle. Archaeologists define henge as a circular wall of earth with a moat in it.

Regarding the actual age of the stone circle there are a number of opinions. But, most archeologists estimate that the building was built between 3,000 BC to 2,000 BC.

In 2008, radiocarbon dating showed that the first stone was erected between 2400 and 2200 BC. While other theories indicate that the blue stone (bluestone) was founded around 3,000 BC.

Circular mounds of earth and circular trenches around the marker mark the initial stages of the construction of the monument. The dating obtained from these features is around 3,100 BC.

The Stonehenge site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 1986 along with Avebury Henge.

At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the stones no longer stand tall. This is likely due to the large number of tourists who climbed Stonehenge around the 19th century because of their great curiosity.

Since then, the site has carried out three stages of renovation to re-erect the sloping or inverted stone, and to return the stones to their original place carefully. (as/ip)
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