
Mount Rinjani and Lake Segara Anak, Nature Tourism and Climbing in Lombok

The summit of Mount Rinjani is destination for most adventurers and nature lovers who visit this area. The number of visitors who climb every year also increases.

IPHEDIA.com - Mount Rinjani and Lake Segara Anak are natural tourist destinations, part Mount Rinjani National Park which is located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Mount Rinjani, second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3,726 m above sea level and a favorite mountain for climbers because beauty of the landscape.

Administratively, this mountain is in the territory of three regencies, namely East Lombok, Central Lombok and West Lombok. Climbing Mount Rinjani (peak) one attractions that become a mainstay in the Mount Rinjani National Park area.

The summit of Mount Rinjani is destination for most adventurers and nature lovers who visit this area. Interest nature-loving community throughout archipelago even from abroad in the climbing activities is quite large. The number of visitors who climb every year also increases.

Besides Mount Rinjani itself, the superior charm of Mount Rinjani National Park which is very prospective is Lake Segara Anak. This location can be reached from two official climbing routes, namely the Senaru ascent and the Sembalun ascent.

To visit Lake Segara Anak from the Senaru line, it takes about 7-10 hours to walk or about 8 kilometers from the gate Senaru climbing route. Meanwhile, from the Sembalun climbing route taken within 8-10 hours.

Lake Segara Anak with a height of about 2,010 m above sea level and a lake depth of around 230 meters has a crescent-shaped shape with an area of ​​about 1,100 hectares. Around Lake Segara Anak there is a fairly wide and flat land, can be used for camping and camping, also visitors can fish in the lake or soak in hot water containing sulfur.

Other tourist destinations around Lake Segara Anak is the Upper Koko Puteq River about 150 meters from Lake Segara Anak. In addition there are also Milk Cave, Manik Cave and Umbrella Cave. Milk Cave is believed to be a media for self-reflection and is often used as a place of meditation.

At the bottom of Lake Segara Anak there is a hot spring (Aik Kalak Pengkereman Jembangan) which is commonly used to test and bathe magical objects (Swords, Spear, Machete, and others).

For those who believe, if the objects become sticky when immersed it indicates that the objects are ugly or do not have supernatural powers. But, on the contrary if these objects remain intact means having supernatural powers or is believed to have efficacy. (as/ip)
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