
How to Prevent Mobile Phones From Causing Damage to Fast

To prevent the cell phone from getting hot which can cause your communication tools to be damaged quickly there are several ways you can do.

IPHEDIA.com - In order to prevent your cellphone from getting hot quickly so as to accelerate the damage to your communication device, there are several ways you can do to avoid it.

1. Stop Charging

If it turns out your cell is hot, stop charging it first. Because if forced it can have an impact on damage and other things that we do not want. Charge back if your cell phone is cold.

2. Avoid Overnight HP Charge

Many of us always charge cellphones overnight when we sleep. However, this can have a bad effect on our cellphones. Not only does it reduce battery efficiency, but it can also make an HP machine overheat or overheat. In fact, there have been several cases of cellphones exploding because of too long cas.

3. Remove HP Case

We use cellphone casing to make our smartphone display more attractive and different from the others. But apparently, the HP casing can be a factor that causes your smartphone to become hot.

Because the HP casing can block heat from the smartphone engine. When the phone is hot, try removing the HP case and allow it to cool first.

4. Don't Cas HP on Mattress or Sofa

Don't cas your cellphone on a mattress, sofa, or anything that has a soft surface. Because, mattresses and sofas can absorb heat. The heat that comes out of the HP machine can be trapped and make your smartphone very hot. It's better to cas the HP in a place where the surface is hard, like a table or floor.

5. Avoid The Sun

Avoid contact with direct sunlight, especially for you who own a cellphone made of plastic. By being exposed to the sun's rays, the HP will heat up faster. This is because the HP that emits heat from inside the engine, is also exposed to heat from outside.

6. Turn off Unnecessary Applications

There are several applications that make the HP processor continue to work nonstop. A processor that continues to work will make the HP hotter. Applications like this usually work in the background or behind the scenes. In addition to making heat, this application can suck up battery energy so that the HP dies faster.

7. Avoid Unauthorized Use of Chargers and Batteries

Some of us may be forced to use unofficial chargers or batteries because the price is cheaper. However, this can have a negative impact on HP.

Cellphones that use unofficial chargers and batteries can get hotter. This is because these unofficial chargers and batteries have different electrical power than HP's. So, if you have to use an unofficial charger or battery, make sure it has the same electric power as your cellphone. (as/ip)
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