
Define Posts With Topics As Needed

Choose a centralized topic in a narrow scope, limited, has objective data and facts. Avoid the subject matter that actually drags you into gathering information that is of various types and is not objective.

IPHEDIA.com - In writing, many writers suggest determining the topic of writing according to need. Posts become interesting to read because people match what they need. People will read it when it draws attention and is needed. Therefore, before developing the idea of ??writing, you choose a topic that really needs.

Choose a centralized topic in a narrow scope, limited, has objective data and facts. Avoid the subject matter that actually drags you into gathering information that is of various types and is not objective. The choice of topic you should know has a reference source that provides information about the main points of the problem. The topic chosen should not be too new for you, making it difficult to develop.

After the main idea is developed, the next step you choose one of the details of the ideas that appear to be used as a writing topic. This topic is what you then need to do further by limiting the topic to a particular theme. So, in this topic determined one of the aspects, elements or factors used as material.

The final step you need to do is to break down the main idea sentence into an outline of writing. An outline, outline or also called outline, a framework plan that shows ideas related to each other in an orderly manner, to then be developed into a complete and complete writing.

In principle, the framework is also called trade. Preparation of the framework is the process of grouping and structuring various facts that are sometimes of different types or nature, but become a united entity. In compiling this framework, you can write based on opaque or work trades.

Opaque trading, which is an outline or writing framework that only contains the main ideas as a fraction of a restricted topic. Whereas the work trade, which is the outline or outline of the expansion and elaboration of the opaque trade.

After learning how to get started and techniques for breathing into your writing, the next step to the writing process. At this stage, you are required to build a foundation for the topic based on your knowledge, insights, ideas and experiences.

The first step, you make a rough draft first. This is your basic capital to start writing. A rough draft here can start with exploring and developing your ideas. Concentrate on the contents with punctuation, grammar or good spelling. Remember, it is to show, not notify when writing.

As a writer, actually you are very close to the writing that was made. So it is difficult to start objectively. Therefore, for the writing to be understood and interesting to read, you must distance yourself from what was written. You must be able to differentiate and balance the content of content to the author's personal with the reader through the work produced. (Akhmad Sadad/IP)
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