
Bhairawa Statue, Giant Stone Sculpture Collection National Museum

Credit Photo: indephedia.com
Statue, which is 4.41 meters high and weighs 4 tons and is made of andesite, is associated with the embodiment of King Adityawarman because he is a Buddhist of the Tantrayana Kalachakra school.

IPHEDIA.com - Bhairawa Statue is a giant stone statue and is now one main exhibition collections at Indonesian National Museum. This statue depicts "Bhairawa", a giant deity in syncretism of Tantrayana, namely embodiment of Shiva and Buddha as a frightening giant.

Statue, which is 4.41 meters high and weighs 4 tons and is made of andesite, is associated with embodiment King Adityawarman because he is a Buddhist Tantrayana Kalachakra school. Bhairawa, described as a monstrous monstrous embodiment of negative desires, as well as manifestation of Shiva as well as Buddha in Tantrayana school.

This giant statue dating from the XIV century was found in 1935 on the banks of the Batanghari River in the middle of rice fields in the Padang Roco bath complex, Dharmasraya, West Sumatra, facing east and beneath which flows the Batanghari river.

In the past, in that strategic place Bhairawa stood proudly looking towards the Batanghari River, so that anyone who crossed the river would easily see it. It is said to be strategic because the Padang Roco gateway enters through Batanghari to the center of the government of the Malay Kingdom in West Sumatra, and this giant statue functions as a landmark.

Giant statue had collapsed and buried in the ground, only one side of the pedestal (pedestal) that sticks out to the ground. Local residents who were not aware of the existence statue made stone a sharpener and made a stone mortar as mortar to pound rice. Until now even the former hole can be found on tside foundation of this statue.

The statue associated with embodiment of King Adityawarman was transported by Dutch East Indies government in 1935 to Bukittinggi Wildlife Park. Then, in 1937 this statue was brought to the National Museum in Batavia and inhabited the National Museum until now. (US)
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